Search Engine Composer comments

web site, requred, server, index, upload, generated

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A tip for anyone who has this wonderful program on their PC but cannot find the licence number when they want to install it on a new PC.
1) Open the info/about page in Search Engine Composer.
2) Make a note of the email address where it says "registered to ...."
3. Press windows Start and then Run... enter the word
4. Be VERY careful how you use regedit. You are looking inside the beating heart of windows and any alterations you accidentally make can be fatal.
5. In one of the menus at the top, click on Find and enter the email address as it was shown on the Search Engine info page. Click ok
6. You may find several entries. You are looking for one which has a subfolder called SEC (=Search Engine Composer).
Keep pressing F3 until you find it. That is where your key is kept.

Oct 19, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply

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